Complete Web Governance

Bring insights, automation, and compliance to the complexity of your digital customer experience with Datatekin & ObservePoint’s web solutions.

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Technology Governance

Automatically test and validate your website technologies to ensure accurate data collection and insights.

Privacy Compliance

Audit your cookies and tags to know what data is being collected, who is collecting it, and where they are sending it.

Don’t just take our word for it.

Here’s what our customers have to say.
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Complete Web Governance

Bring insights, automation, and compliance to the complexity of your digital customer experience with Datatekin & ObservePoint’s web solutions.

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Technology Governance

Automatically test and validate your website technologies to ensure accurate data collection and insights.

Technology Governance Privacy Compliance

Privacy Compliance

Audit your cookies and tags to know what data is being collected, who is collecting it, and where they are sending it.

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The Total Economic Impact™ of ObservePoint

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Tip Sheet

5 Tips to Bulletproof Your Analytics Implementation Read Tip Sheet FeaturedContent-Ford

Case Study

Ford ME Automates QA Efforts to Improve Data Accuracy & Use Experiences

Read Case Study FeaturedContent-Bulletproof Tips

Tip Sheet

Catch Data Errors Before They Happen Read Tip Sheet

Run a Sample Audit to see what’s really on your site.

As a customer of Ensighten, we want to offer you a free, 50-page Sample Audit of your website. Just let us know the domain you want audited, and we’ll email you what we find! get Your 50-Page Sample Audit

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