How To Check Your Web Vitals

What makes a web experience great? Google spent years defining the factors that give users a high-quality experience in developing their Web Vitals program. 


Web Vitals are incorporated into the ObservePoint platform, so you don’t have to obsess about them elsewhere. It’s easier than ever to check your site’s user experience and pull levers that can help you isolate elements affecting your score. 


Let’s review Web Vitals quickly before going into how ObservePoint can help.


What are Web Vitals?

Web Vitals are an industry-standard set of metrics that measure a site’s performance so that developers can understand the quality of the user experience on their web pages. These metrics focus on three quantifiable measures that have a big impact: load speed, input responsiveness, and visual stability. 


Why do Web Vitals Matter?

Good Web Vitals scores indicate excellent user experiences, improve SEO rankings, position your ads better, and reduce advertising costs.

  • User experience: When you optimize Web Vitals metrics, your website will perform more smoothly and be more enjoyable to your visitors, encouraging them to stay, interact, and return. That means lower bounce rates and higher conversion rates.
  • SEO ranking: Google considers Web Vitals an important factor for search rankings. 
  • Ad ranking: Google will place your ads over other advertisers if your Web Vitals are better.
  • Ad prices: You will pay less for Google Ads if your landing page has good Web Vitals. Since the experience on your landing page contributes to your ad position, you can lower your cost per click by speeding up your page.


How does ObservePoint Help?

ObservePoint reports on these metrics to help you improve the quality of the user experience on your entire website. Four of Google’s Web Vitals are included in the platform’s Page Reports either at a URL level or an Audit-wide level.

You can drill down into each metric to get even more details.


Which Metrics Are Included?

Third-Party Technologies & Web Vitals

Third-party scripts, widgets, or ads can affect your website’s performance. They load from separate locations and may disrupt the page layout as they load. With ObservePoint, you can run Audits that block certain technologies to measure their impact on Web Vitals. Easily detect which technologies hurt your scores, so you can evaluate if they should be replaced or eliminated.


For more information on how best to optimize your Web Vitals, read our help doc. Or sign up for a free account and see how your website is performing right now.

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