ObservePoint Makes 2021 Inc. 5000, No. 14 in Utah Software

ObservePoint ranks No. 3918 nationwide and No. 16 in the software industry in the state of Utah.
How to Test Your Adobe Analytics Implementation

With the right tools to automate testing your Adobe Analytics implementation, you can get efficiency and accurate data.
Pros & Cons of Server-Side, Privacy Regulation Updates, and The State of Third-Party Cookies

Episode 2: Join digital marketing and analytics leaders for regular live discussions around data problem-solving, industry news, strategy, governance, technology, regulations, and more!
Mass Media & Entertainment Conglomerate Enforces Data QA from End to End

Discover how this organization used ObservePoint to more efficiently and effectively enforce their data QA and governance processes from end to end.
7-Step Adobe Analytics Solution Design Reference [with SDR Template]

This article walks through the steps of how to create an Adobe Analytics Solution Design Reference for a more effective data governance program in your web analytics implementation.
Counting Cookies: The Reliance, the Risk, and the Remedy

Do you feel prepared for the death of cookies? We wanted to know how well prepared the industry is, so we scanned the top 100 sites in the US, UK and Australian markets to find out.
Counting Cookies: The Reliance, the Risk, and the Remedy

How ready is the industry for cookies to crumble? Are you prepared? Find out in this report which studied third-party cookie dependency in the UK, US and Australia.
ObservePoint Solution Demo (9 minutes)

Building Robust CDPs, Cookie Considerations, and New Adobe SDK

Episode 1: Join the conversation with Jeremy Moran of Quadratic about building robust identities with CDPs, the new Adobe SDK, and more!
How to Check if Google Analytics Is Working on Your Website

Google Analytics is the most used analytics solution on the market. But how can you check if Google Analytics is working on your website? Here’s how.
ObservePoint Privacy Compliance – Marketing Analytics Summit 2021

Join Mike Fong, Solutions Engineer, to learn how to protect your customers, their data, and your reputation by ensuring privacy compliance.
Consent Management & ObservePoint

Explore three major joint use cases for Consent Management Platforms and ObservePoint.