Implementing ObservePoint: How to Set Yourself up for Success

Tips on organizing your Audits and Journeys, automating as much as possible, choosing what pages to scan at the highest frequencies, and more.
FAQ: Chrome is Saying Goodbye to 3rd-Party Cookies

In 2024, Google will phase out 3rd-party cookies in their Chrome browser. At our recent DataChat Live! webinar covering this topic, many website owners had questions about how this impacts them. Here are ObservePoint’s answers to your burning 3rd-party cookie questions.
It’s Finally Happening: Goodbye 3rd-Party Cookies

What are the changes being made to third-party cookies? Particularly focusing on Google’s shift in its Chrome browser.
Feature Review: What You Might Not Know About ObservePoint

Learn about our favorite features that tend to be under-utilized by our customers.
Get Sensible about Sensitive Data

Special guest Elizabeth Sexton from Adobe dives into the complexities of data privacy, especially in the healthcare sector.
The Value of ObservePoint Infographic

Understand how the ObservePoint platform solves problems for website analytics, customer experiences, and privacy compliance.
30,000 Foot View: The Value of ObservePoint

A quick explainer on the value of ObservePoint and how the platform solves the complexity of dynamic websites.
How ObservePoint Supports Your Privacy Program

Supplement your privacy program and consent management platform with an automated solution that helps confirm everything is working.
The Case for Privacy Compliance

Why does privacy compliance matter? And why use ObservePoint? This one-page document boils it down for executives and legal teams.
Room & Board Saves Time and Money with BL.INK & ObservePoint Integration

According to Room & Board, their initial investment in BL.INK and ObservePoint has resulted in a 16.3x monetary return and a 3.5x labor return.
How Retailers Can Use ObservePoint for an Ultra Successful Q4

See how ObservePoint can help you make sure your websites are ready to track the increased ad spend and handle the uptick in traffic and conversions.
Tip Jar: Using the ObservePoint API Part 2

Wish you could consolidate your ObservePoint findings into your company-wide BI tool? Well, you can! Learn how to use the ObservePoint API.