
Consent Management & ObservePoint

Ensure your privacy monitoring is working.

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True or False

You Can “Set and Forget” Consent Management Platforms.   A CMP can see and check ALL data collection on your site.

FALSE. A CMP relies on your Tag Management System as its source of truth for tags. If you have hard-coded or piggybacking tags, the TMS won’t notice them, which means the CMP will not properly classify them either.

A CMP can monitor tag and cookie context beyond inventorying.

FALSE. A CMP can provide deduped lists of your cookies on your site; however, they don’t provide detailed, contextual information like where the cookies are on your site, what information they’re collecting, and where they’re sending that data.

Unfortunately, Consent Management Platforms are still very limited and leave you open to…

3 major data liabilities: 
  1. CMPs cannot see anything loading outside of your tag management system.
  2. They don’t provide what page, what data, nor where it’s being sent.
  3. CMPs still need to be tested regularly for functionality.

Consent Management Platforms enable you to collect and handle user consent, display cookie banners on your digital property, and ensure the right tags are fired for the right visitors based on user consent preferences.

ObservePoint’s Privacy Compliance solution makes sure your CMP is implemented and functioning properly, while also regularly auditing for data collection outside your CMP (see True or False above). Together, they help your organization comply with privacy regulations.

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How do you ensure your privacy monitoring is working?

ObservePoint’s Privacy Compliance solution is a vendor-agnostic, automated solution that can:

Key Benefits

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Relevant Features

Magnifying Glass Tag & Cookie Inventory:

Provides an up-to-date list of all data collection technologies on your site.

Smiling Tag Tag Initiators: Visually maps the relationship of tags so you can see what technology is deploying each tag. Location Geolocation:

Lets you set up authorized or unauthorized zones to match data privacy regulations and confirm where data requests are coming from.

Four Boxes Consent Categories:

Stores your cookie, tag, and geolocation requirements and checks for each possible combination of customer consent preferences.

What are the most prominent CMPs?

OneTrust TrustArc Quantcast UserCentrics

What is ObservePoint?

ObservePoint is a digital governance platform that utilizes website auditing and reporting functionality to help you confirm that consent preferences are being honored and the CMP is doing what it’s designed to do. Mitigate the risk and liability for your entire organization with ObservePoint.

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