
Retail’s trusted "web master"

Wrap your heads around your entire web presence with ObservePoint’s automated web governance, so you can spend your time on what matters most — creating incredible customer experiences.

Trusted by the world’s leading retailers

Trust your analytics

You’ve made a significant investment of time and money into your website’s analytics. ObservePoint scans your entire web presence and ensures your analytics tags are on all key pages, are firing properly, are not double counting, are not falling off. Experience an entirely new level of confidence in where you’re spending your valuable resources.

Improve customer journeys

Retailers often send up to 10% of their paid advertising traffic to broken experiences: 404 pages, slow loading pages, pages with broken analytics tags. ObservePoint automates continuous monitoring of your most valuable customer journeys and helps you ensure each are the optimal experience for your customers.

Build brand loyalty

Customer trust is the most valuable asset you can protect. ObservePoint will help you see all cookies on every web page, understand where those cookies came from and gives you a chance to approve the cookie or deny it. See what geographies your sharing data with, confirm that you’re honoring customer consent preferences and more.

Trust your data

Important decisions about marketing spend, conversion paths, and advertising strategies are made every day. ObservePoint gives you the tools you need to validate the data you’re using to make those decisions and move the company forward.

Don’t just take our word for it.

Here’s what our customers have to say.

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Web Governance path today.

Scan up to 300 pages. Get full access to ObservePoint. No credit card needed.
New insights. Better data. Real Value.

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