Simplify Web Analytics with Automated Data Validation

Become a trusted data source

You provide more than just data and reports. You are the trusted source of information used to make key decisions within your organization, such as: where to direct digital spend, which email campaigns are working, what the marketing ROI is, and more.

ObservePoint helps you automate the monitoring and validation of your data analytics so you can count on the data at the center of key business decisions. Finally, you can:

Scale your QA across domains, brands, or regions

Save time and resources for actual analysis

Detect errors on your website proactively

Have confidence in your data

Trusted by the world’s top companies

You don’t need MORE to do. Manually scanning hundreds, thousands, or millions of web pages is virtually impossible. That’s why ObservePoint automates web governance, so you can focus on taking action and making an impact.

A matter of trust

Your job is all about accuracy, thoroughness, and finding the story in the numbers. You need to trust the data you’re analyzing, and your organization needs to trust the data you’re sending them. How can you have confidence in your data when all too frequently:

  • Tags drop off in redirects
  • Duplicate or multiple tags are found on pages
  • Pages are missing analytics
  • Landing pages or marketing technologies are broken

Data to dollars

Relied on by digital marketers, email marketers, campaign managers, and more, you data is vital to successfully hitting lead gen and revenue targets. One scan could make a drastic impact on your company’s bottom line.

With just a FREE SCAN by ObservePoint, you’ll be able to quickly see:

  • If your analytics are present and firing on your most important pages
  • What variables are being populated by your analytics
  • If your data layer is mapping correctly to your analytics
  • If specific values within a variable are present throughout a web journey

Don’t just take our word for it.

Here’s what our customers have to say.

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